Saturday, April 29, 2017


Today it has been raining all day.  All day I have worked with people that are depressed.  It is the rain or the darkness or cooped up feelings.  I think it is a combination of all that.   Depression is a real illness and sometimes it is impossible to rid.

Do you feel the anti depressant pills work?  What I have found out more and more people are on them both men and women . Age is no factor. It is happening with teenagers too.

Depression comes in so many disguises - over weight - widow or widower - loneliness. Death ,unemployment, breakups, divorces , money and the list goes on................................

So to combat depression today with clients- turned on every light in their space.  Brightness  helps combat the situation.   Writing can help. Go walk in the rain with proper gear(not in the lighting)

Write a to do list
Write a shopping list
Write a friend list
Make a date with a friend or spouse or  lover  or cousin
Write a chore list
 Just don't  think about what is bad what hurts  
Do a productive activity
Cook a new recipe
Call a friend or foe
Reorganize your kitchen, pantry,draws,closets, car, garage, yard  etc etc etc

How do you fight depression- comments welcomed!

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