Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Brunch and Sip Champagne !!! Recipes included

Brunches are easiest way to entertain.  There's Champagne with Orange juice but these days I like cranberry juice in the champagne. I welcome my guests with a smile and give them their choice of champagne. Bagels, cream cheese and Blintz and more. Entertain with ease.  Brunches are great because it's a breakfast /lunch which is relaxing with friends /family-just like a simple time together.  

Blintz soufflé

1 pkg cheese blintzes defrosted)   ½ cup sugar      ¼ lb butter   ½ teaspoon salt
4 eggs well beaten             1 ½ sour cream    ¼ cup sugar
2 teasp.  almond extracts 2 teaspoons orange juice
 Melt ¼ lb butter in 2 quart casserole and place blintzes over butter in one layer.  Blend other ingredients with well beaten eggs and pour over the blintzes. Bake 45 minutes in 350 oven or until top starts to brown
serve with powdered sugar, strawberries, raspberries or sour cream
For variety replace 1 pkg cheese with 1 pkg fruit blintz. I usually use cherry or apple.

Jello Mold
2 pkgs  strawberry Jello 1 8oz cream cheese , 1 frozen pkg strawberries, 1 tablespoon of sour cream 2 cups of water
1 can mandarin oranges  
Spray jello mold with Pam , boil 2 cups of water with jello and until water is at boiling point. Put in blender add cream cheese, add sour cream blend for 1 minute, add jello mixture,
Add package of strawberries and blend again for one minute. Drain oranges & add to mold first. Then pour ingredients from blender into jello mold and refrigerate over night. Serve next day


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair!

My wonderful friend from High School -Marsha told her children about the time I put Mayonnaise on my hair. I thought I forget that era but when visiting her a few years back - her kids told me the story about what I  did. As all teenage girls we experimented with color and shampoos and  conditioners on our hair.

My grandmother use to collect rain water(there was no smog or chemicals in the air)  to wash her hair in. My mother said put beer in your hair it conditions it. We put avocados on our face (we had a tree) as a facial which is still used today.   Another beauty use is  egg whites on your face will tighten your lines and wash off with warm lemon water(l lemon squeezed into warm water) with a cloth. My mother had no wrinkles and beautiful skin. These were some of her secrets. Never Never use any kind of soap on your face. Cold cream only to take off make up and clean your face in the morning with.  Tea bags in ice water with ice cubes to relax your eyes lids and take out  the puff in eyes.  I like  cold cumbers on my eyes too.  With all the creams and conditioners and facials out there -sometime the old ways are best.  Night cream for my mom was cold cream to until later years -she liked  Lauder products.

Now about the Mayonnaise - the instructions I read in a beauty magazine said 1/2 cup -so i did. Left it on for about 1/2 hour or more. It wouldn't wash out. I poured beer on it -no good.  I added vinegar-it got worse. I tried Ivory soap-no good. I tried detergent no good. Dish detergent no way. Marsha was with me when I did this and she couldn't stop laughing..So I went to school the next day and got the name salad dressing all day and I think all week because I surely smelled like salad dressing. What came about in our conclusion is that the beauty magazine meant 1/4  or 1/2 of a table spoon and not a 1/2 cup. To this day - I don't like Mayonnaise or the smell of it.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Art of Arguing

 How many people has a person argued with?  I never thought that I argued much but lately my friends have told me I argue a great deal.   I always felt that my son who argued( or disagreed  or debated ) with me had  received this gene from his dad. But as I look back at my life - he might of just gotten  that gene from me.

I was the wild child of my family. My sister was the perfect student, the beautiful one, the popular girl,etc etc etc according to my parents. On the other hand I was in constant trouble. I believe environment has much to do with how we turn out. There are really no bad people -it's the influence around us that changes who we become. My sister grew up with our grandparents on my mom's side. And I grew up as a latch key child as both my parents worked. At 10 I was babysitting . I was also cooking at an early stage in life.  

I argued with my biology teacher in high school and was thrown out of class. But I went to summer school at a different high school and pulled an A in the class. I loved summer school because it was six weeks long and I took  2 to 3 subjects that were required.  During my school year I took the electives. Typing was probably the best class I took because it is the one  class I use every day. My school years will be another chapter .

Do we argue because we need to or because we have to. Is arguing really a form of debating?
Or is it an opinion?  The dictionary says to put for reasons for or against debate. To attempt to prove by reasoning. To engage in a quarrel. I married Lawyers. My first husband - we went to college together and married young(it was time when you couldn't live with them) and my second husband was also an attorney and  Traffic Judge.  So I continued to learn to argue with them. I listened to them arguing with either me, our kids or their courts.

As a coach I argued with parents and umpires(until I became an umpire). I argued with my kids on which part of no don't you understand. I still debate or argue when time arises.
It is part of us to do so and maybe we don't realize we are doing it.   Syn: argue,bicker,contend, quarrel,fight,quibble,squabble,tiff,wrangle  and to engage in a verbal exchange expressing conflicts of opinions.    I think everyone does this at least once or twice or.........................................!!!!!!
If you have not argued,quarreled, quibbled, bickered or engaged in a debate let me know? 
Because if you have not - I would like to know why. And what perfect world do you live in?